Designing my Month

It’s February 1st and I am spending some time today designing and scheduling my month ahead.

I use small, colourful post it notes to write my intended actions for the month and then stick them into my diary. (I have a large diary). You could also create a monthly wall planner if that works better for you.

I can really get to focus on different areas of my life. For example; creativity, self care, friends and family, fun and play, artist dates, my work, my finances. Each focus area brings me present to what it is I desire, and that always feels good. If I start to feel like there is too much being scheduled I can always move my sticky notes around to what does feel good, move some things to the next month or even remove them. By planning this way I know that I am taking care of my needs and also getting the things done that I desire to do. I love the colour of the notes and the reminders of what is important to me. If you see that work takes up most of your time please ask yourself the question, ‘Am I doing what I love?’. Hopefully you have answered, yes, but if not then this is the opportunity to schedule some time to focus on what it is you would really love to be doing and start to take some action to fulfill your dreams. Begin with small steps.

I love to look at my month and see the space I have allowed for my creative play, time for friends and family, and time for me to read, nap, take a walk. February is ‘looking good’.

Present Moment, Wonderful Moment. xxx

Take the time to design your month. xxx


Categories: Article

Author:Sundari Austin

Qualified Herbalist, Creativity Coach, Relaxation/Meditation Teacher and Energy Medicine Practitioner, Artist's Way Facilitator, SoulCollage Facilitator, Performance Poet, Artist.


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2 Comments on “Designing my Month”

  1. February 1, 2015 at 5:02 pm #

    Great idea! It’s too easy sometimes to let certain areas in our life get pushed out by others. Seeing their neglect visually represented is very powerful! Xx

  2. February 1, 2015 at 6:34 pm #

    Yes xxx Planning your month is nurturing in so many ways. xxx

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