
Have you stopped to count your blessings today?

The past few days have been filled with so many events – some of them ecstatic and some of them extremely challenging. Life can change in an instant. I am grateful for all of my experiences. Each one presents me with an opportunity to learn, and grow deeper into living a heart centred life.

When I live in gratitude I appreciate every moment.

Take a breath, smile, and feel the energy of gratitude in every cell in your body.


Categories: Article

Author:Sundari Austin

Qualified Herbalist, Creativity Coach, Relaxation/Meditation Teacher and Energy Medicine Practitioner, Artist's Way Facilitator, SoulCollage Facilitator, Performance Poet, Artist.


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2 Comments on “Gratitude”

  1. May 12, 2012 at 7:55 pm #

    Thanks Sundari. I am grateful to have you in my life. You are an inspiration!

  2. May 12, 2012 at 8:17 pm #

    Thanks Louise. xxxxx Present Moment, Wonderful Moment. xxxxxx

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